Java logoJava School Management System

In this section I explore the concepts of OOP through building a school management system.

The concepts covered are:

  • Attributes
  • Methods
  • Classes
  • Array List
  • Getters & Setters
  • Packages

This system runs entirely on the command line and has no front-end section nor a database. However, the front-end and database sections shall be projects for the future.

Full code for the system can be accessed Here


The system flow is as illustrated below. The school system has four sections:

  1. School
  2. Teachers
  3. Students
  4. Money/revenue

The school class manages the students and teachers through an array list, while the student and the teacher class manage the student and teacher information, as well as the funds coming in and going into the school.

The funds/revenue flow as below:

  • The school manages funds going an and out.
  • The students pay fees to the school.
  • The teachers get paid salary from the school funds.

File Structure

This project contains four files:

Below is the structure of the Class files, with a breakdown of the getters and setters/methods of each class


This has been a good learning project, which illustrates the real life application of OOP fundamentals.

This however covers a small part of OOP as it does not touch on concepts such as Inheritance or Polymorphism. This therefore

Link to the repo with the code-base Here

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